Suppose we have a list of expressions which in the example below is a simple
list of integers. Now suppose we need to define a function (f) for each
element of this list. The best way to make the assignments is using Scan. A
first attempt at this is given in the next cell.
Next we see that our attempt to make assingments for (f) didn't work, and the
reason is that assignment (f[#]=Prime[10^7+#]&) evaluated before it was give
The solution is to make the assignment a function with the HoldAll or
HoldFirst attribute as I do in the next cell.
We could have made the above assingments using Map as I do in the next cell.
In this case Map makes a list of prime numbers that would be returned if it
were not for the semi-colon at the end. Using Scan for this task is more
efficient than using Map because Scan never builds up an expression to
The next example makes assingments for f[g1[5,3]], f[g2[8,9]], and
However, what we got above might not be the desired result. What if you wanted to make assignments for f[5], f[3], f[8], etc. In that case we can get the desired result by giving Scan the level specification {2}. Scan then makes assingments for all subexpressions of (expr) at level 2. Scan can work with any of the level specifications that I exaplain earlier.
Heads Option
Scan has a Heads option with the default setting (Heads→True). In the
next example I have Scan work on level {2} of expr with the setting (Heads
→True). Because of the (Heads→True) setting assignments are made
for f[g1], f[g2], f[g3] where g1, g2, g3 are heads of sub-expressions of
Created by Mathematica (May 16, 2004)