
In order for a pattern to match an expression, the pattern and the expression
it is compared with must have the same FullForm after evaluation.  For
example the expression a/b has the FullForm Times[a,Power[b,-1]], so it
doesn't match the pattern (_Rational).  MatchQ is a very good tool to use
when testing a pattern to see if it matches the intended expressions.  Some
interesting examples of MatchQ are given below.

{MatchQ[3/2, p_/q_], MatchQ[3/2, _Rational]}

{False, True}

The head HoldPattern used in next cell is explained in another section.

Clear[a, b] ;    {MatchQ[a/b, _Rational],   MatchQ[a/b, _/_],   MatchQ[a/b, HoldPattern[_/_]],   MatchQ[a/b, p_/q_]}

{False, False, True, True}

{MatchQ[a/2, p_/q_],       MatchQ[a/2, _Rational],       MatchQ[a/2, _ * _Rational]}

{False, False, True}

{MatchQ[1/Sqrt[b], _/Sqrt[_]], MatchQ[1/Sqrt[b], HoldPattern[_/Sqrt[_]]],       MatchQ[1/Sqrt[b], 1/Sqrt[_]]}

{False, False, True}

{MatchQ[a/Sqrt[b], _/Sqrt[_]],   MatchQ[a/Sqrt[b], HoldPattern[_/Sqrt[_]]],   MatchQ[a ... tern[x_/Sqrt[y_]]],   MatchQ[a/Sqrt[b], x_ * y_^(-1/2)], <br />MatchQ[a/Sqrt[b], x_/Sqrt[y_]]}

{False, False, False, False, True, True}

{MatchQ[2 + 3I, a_ + b_ * I], MatchQ[2 + 3I, _Complex]}

{False, True}

{MatchQ[a + b I, _Complex],   MatchQ[a + b I, _ + _Complex],   MatchQ[a + b I, _ + _ * ... _ * Complex[0, 1]]],   MatchQ[a + b I, _ + _ * _Complex ],   MatchQ[a + b I, x_ + y_ * I]}

{False, False, False, False, False, True, True, True}

data = {{2, 3}, {1, 4}, {6, 7}, {8, 6}, {2, 1}} ;    MatchQ[data, {{_, _} ..}]


I don't provide further examples, but any combination of pattern matching  constructs can be used with MatchQ.  Nuances of pattern matching are discussed in another section.

Created by Mathematica  (May 16, 2004)

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