NHoldAll, NHoldFirst, NHoldRest
The next cell gives (f) the NHoldRest attribute.
Now only the first argument of (f) can be evaluated numerically.
NHoldAll, NHoldRest and NHoldFirst prevent evaluation even deep inside an
expression as demonstrated in the next cell.
Built-in symbols with attributes NHoldAll, NHoldFirst, NHoldRest
The next cell makes a list of all built-in symbols.
The next cell returns all built-in symbols with the NHoldAll attribute. If
you understand what C and Root do it's easy to see why they have the
attribute NHoldAll.
The next cell returns all built-in symbols with the NHoldRest attribute. If
these functions didn't have the NHoldRest attribute they wouldn't work
correctly in certain cases.
The next cell returns all built-in symbols with the NHoldFirst attribute. I
have no experience with the functions that have the NHoldFirst attribute.
Created by Mathematica (May 16, 2004)